Yeo Valley developments
During the Annual Parish meeting Tim Mead founder of Yeo Valley came to explain their plans for the three areas of the parish that they had acquired and for a Q&A session from parishioners.
Published: 12 July 2023

During the Annual Parish meeting Tim Mead founder of Yeo Valley came to explain their plans for the three areas of the parish that they had acquired and for a Q&A session from parishioners.
The three areas discussed were:
Ubley Warren Farm
A pre-application was completed for this site and the feedback from Somerset County Council was that any plans would be unlikely to be approved. Yeo Valley do therefore not plan to submit a planning application for this site and the intention is that this site will remain as is for the foreseeable.
Burrington Inn
Yeo Valley are investigating options on the re-development of this site and will be progressing this in the future but are not intending to submit any planning application to North Somerset Council until the end of the year at the earliest.
Hazel Manor Farm
Tim explained that following the purchase of this site they discovered a large amount of dead/dying woodland, from Ash Dieback and have spent considerable time and money felling this area, the aspiration is that the woodland will be used for grazing with a mixture of trees and grass.
In addition to this Tim described the plans to redevelop the farm buildings and the addition of lodges within the woodland. Yeo Valley have created a website describing their plans in more detail which can be found here:
The planning application for this development has now been submitted and can be viewed on the Somerset Council planning portal here.